Making the Most of your Vision Board
Hey survivors! I’m so excited that 2021 is finally here! 🎉 One of my favorite New Years’ activities is creating a Vision Board for the new year. A Vision Board, in short, is a board in which you put pictures, magazine clippings, etc. that speak to your goals and what you want to gain, give, or receive from this year. I introduced Vision Boards to my family a few years ago, and it’s grown to full grown parties with us gathered around a huge table, sharing magazines, and reminiscing on the year that has passed. Unfortunately, my family and I weren’t able to gather this year because of COVID. But I still made it happen! My mom and I carved out the time to sit down together and make our boards.
Below are a few tips to make the most of your Vision Board without breaking the bank, but also being intentional about your goals for the year. The great thing about this project is that it’s all about YOU and there’s no wrong way to do it. As long as it gets down. So remember, don’t stress about the board having to be perfect: HAVE FUN!
Decide on your goals for this year
Choosing your goals before creating your board is super important! It helps with deciding what exactly will be going on your board and it gives you direction. For example, I am working on my finances this year. Specifically, learning to spend less on a daily basis in order to save more. Knowing that this was one of my goals, I was on the lookout for any phrases or pictures that connected to money or finances. So, you definitely want to know your goals well before starting your board.
2. Keep your board cheap ($)
Vision Boards have become a pretty popular fad. But that does not mean you should be spending an arm and a leg on materials. A great place to grab a posterboard for your project is the dollar store! Check out your local Dollar Tree or Dollar General for your board and materials. Even if you want to add stickers or 3D objects, the dollar store has alot of gems that would be perfect for your Vision Board. And don’t forget the tape and glue!
This is a big one for me! There is no reason for you to have to buy magazines for your Vision Board. This can get quite expensive, especially since you’ll be needing alot of magazines to complete your board. Instead, collect magazines throughout the year and keep them in a safe and memorable place. When the time comes, you’ll have a stack of magazines ready to be clipped. Another hack is to call your doctors’ offices, and local libraries and ask for their old magazines. They have no use for magazines from last year, but you do! My chiropractor was so happy to get rid of his old magazines. This is a great way to recycle! Instead of all of that paper going into the recycling bin or the trash, it is getting repurposed in the best way!
These few tips will make your Vision Board experience a huge success and maybe even save you a few bucks! This is great project to do during the time between Christmas and New Years or even throughout January, when things begin to drag. As long as you get it done and have fun, that’s all that matters. Once you complete your board, be sure to hang it in a place where you can see it everyday. This keeps your goals in the forefront of your mind throughout the year. And once the year comes to an end, take a look at your board; you’ll be surprised to see all that came to fruition by you claiming it on your board.
I’d love to see your vision boards! Tag me on Instagram @gabrielle_hines in a picture of your board and I’ll be sure to repost. Happy Vision Boarding!